eBay Seller souvenir-toy-soldiers Store

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souvenir-toy-soldiers is a verified private seller from US marketplace and has been active selling since 2023-02-06.
The seller has excellent standing with the US marketplace with 94.4% positive feedback in the last 12 months. (17 positive feedback, 1 negative feedback, and 0 neutral feedback) To date, souvenir-toy-soldiers has received a total of 16 customer feedback from completed sales.
souvenir-toy-soldiers is fully licensed to buy and sell products on the authorized/approved marketplaces.
Buyer Feedback Past 30 Days Past 6 Months Past Year
Positive 4 22 24
Negative 0 0 1
Neutral 0 0 0
Total 4 22 25
[2024-05-27] Fast smooth transaction highly recommended Aebayer - Positive Feedback
(Buyer purchased Combat infantry captain of the Red Army 1941-43)
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Here's a list of some items for sale by souvenir-toy-soldiers right now...

Polish winged hussar with the banner (355441020546)
Mamluk on the attack (355441044624)
Set Attack of the Kornilovsky shock regiment2nd Officer General Drozdovsky rifle (355458916705)
Moscow Streltsy (355441023168)
Mamluk with Bunchuk, Ottoman Empire 18th century (355441047312)
Mounted Saracen with a pike - XII-XIII centuries (355440585509)
Eastern warrior nomad (355440588682)
Saladin, Sultan of Egypt and Syria, commander of the Muslim world (355440607220)
Heavy Armored Cavalry of Late Rome, Byzantine Cataphractary (355430437513)
Knight of the Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem (355430562157)
Alexander the Great (355466306612)
Emperor Napoleon in parade uniform (355444142029)
Auxiliary cavalry rider. Rome, 1st century AD (355430395587)
Private Guards Chasseurs, France 1812 (355443904115)
Officer of the Mameluke squadron of the Imperial Guard, France 1812 (355444115004)
Mounted samurai, 16th-17th centuries (355440995921)
Knight of the Order of the Hospitallers with banner (355430557251)
Byzantine Cataphractary (355430435976)
Mounted Knight Hospitaller (355430632458)
Battle of French and English knights, Hundred Years War (355440931067)
Light Horse Dragoons, Britain 1815 (355446464443)
King Jan III Sobieski, 1683 (355441012750)
Trumpeter of the Guards Horse Chasseurs of the Grand Army. France 1812 (355443994725)
Polish Winged Hussar, Lieutenant of the Crown Banner (355441015259)
Polish Winged Hussar, Ranked Crown Banner with Crossbow (355441016389)
Set of Red Army soldiers in battle (355458909240)
Wounded English archer, Hundred Years War (355440867192)
Muslim warrior on the attack (355440602956)
Heavily armed Mongol warrior (355440581456)
English archer, Europe 15th century (355440889878)
English archer, Hundred Years War (355440919730)
Warrior Saracen (355440594176)
Truvor - brother of Rurik, ruler in Izborsk (862) (355440635396)
Sineus - brother of Rurik, ruler in Beloozero (862) (355440633880)
Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia (355458987534)
English knight in battle (355440901924)
Alexander III, Emperor of the Russian Empire (355458982530)
Officer of the 95th Rifles, UK 1810-15 (355446470875)
Kato Kiyomasa, 1590s, Japan (355440994753)
12-pounder gun of the Gribeauval system with a charging box (355443863453)
Persian warrior in a crown (355429984006)
Hornist of the infantry regiments of the Russian Imperial Army (355458969570)
Rurik - the first ruler of Ancient Rus', Prince of Novgorod (862-879) (355440636002)
Combat, infantry captain of the Red Army, 1941-43 (355466333019)
Polish winged hussar, 17th century (355441027738)
Russian warrior with the banner of St. George, 11-13 centuries (355440631227)
Brother Knight of the Order of the Tau with Banner (355430480772)
Political instructor, infantry of the Red Army. 1939-42 of the USSR (355459012673)
Aztec priest "Chachalmeca" in the image of the god Quetzalcoatl (355429955428)
An officer of the Grenadiers of the line infantry (355443672980)
Teutonic knight with the banner of the Order, 1400 (355430616386)
Iberian scutarius of the army of Carthage armed with a falcata (355430368783)
Russian equestrian warrior, 14th century (355440691064)
Knight Hospitaller in battle (355430599341)
A tanker with a canister. The Red Army, 1941-45 (355459033544)
Princess Olga - ruler of Rus' from 945 to 960 (355440632904)
Knight Hospitaller, Middle Ages, Crusades. (355430490083)
Spartan hoplite with sword, 480 BC (355430289966)
Aztec warrior "leopard" (355466304848)
The partisan, 1941-44 of the USSR (355458995420)
Emperor Alexander the First (355446269078)
Major of the Terek Cossack cavalry units of the Red Army, 1939-43 USSR (355459035744)
Monk Peter the Hermit with a wooden cross (355430602822)
Roman centurion, beg. 1st century AD (355430373913)
Warrior of the "sacred detachment" of the army of Carthage (355430336693)
Henry Grosmont Duke of Lancaster (355440734977)
Samurai, 12th century (355440991376)
Red Army Infantry submachine gunner, 1943-45 USSR (355459025600)
Voivode Sveneld (355440680578)
Senior sergeant of the infantry of the Red Army, 1943-45 USSR (355461491232)
Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, 13th century (355430578479)
Red Army infantry captain (Southern Sakhalin, August 1945), USSR (355461359542)
Gladiator murmillo (355430387668)
Private of the Scottish 92nd Gordon Regiment, 1815 (355446489890)
Cossack of the 9th Plastun Rifle Division, 1944-45 USSR (355459038743)
Samurai on the march, 16th century (355440988977)
Signal trumpeter of the army of Pyrrhus of Epius (355430274151)
Red Army soldier of the Kuban Cossack cavalry units 1939-43 (355461327853)
The commander of the Macedonian phalanx "argiraspid" with a silver shield (355430267088)
Officer of fighter-anti-tank artillery. The Red Army, 1943-45 of the USSR (355459026950)
Napoleon in Egypt examines the tomb of the Pharaoh (355444121384)
Fragment of the Macedonian phalanx (40 miniatures) (355430100211)
Knight of the Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem with the banner (355430559851)
Kettledrummer Dragoon Guards. France. 1808 (355443942795)
Set French artillery crew, (6 miniatures, a gun and accessories) (355443866853)
Model of a guillotine from the French Revolution 132 (355466302476)
A set of mounted Red Army soldiers, the civil war in Russia (355458808694)
War elephant of King Pyrrhus, 3rd century BC (355430093166)
Knight of the Order of the Sword, 13th century 75 mm (355430552205)
The Carthaginian war elephant. A flat miniature. (355466357118)
A war elephant. A flat tin miniature. (355466365084)
Horse artillery officer, France 1812 (355443855452)
Russian and Khazar warriors in battle (355440616242)
Assyrian chariot (355429977835)
Life Guards Semyonovsky Regiment, Battle of Poltava, 1709 Russia (355441038458)
Leper Knight of the Order of Saint Lazarus (355430565587)
Knight of the Kingdom of Jerusalem with a banner (355430638823)
Charles II "Evil" (King of Navarre) (355440737174)
Attack of the Moscow Grenadier Regiment (14 miniatures) Russia 1812 (355446421051)
Fight, French grenadier against Russian hussar, 1812 (355443912937)
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