eBay Seller fonetik Store

Browse and purchase items for sale by eBay seller fonetik on whohou marketplace!

fonetik is a verified private seller from US marketplace and has been active selling since 1999-10-26.
The seller has excellent standing with the US marketplace with 100.0% positive feedback in the last 12 months. (5 positive feedback, 0 negative feedback, and 0 neutral feedback) To date, fonetik has received a total of 515 customer feedback from completed sales.
fonetik is fully licensed to buy and sell products on the authorized/approved marketplaces.
Buyer Feedback Past 30 Days Past 6 Months Past Year
Positive 1 5 5
Negative 0 0 0
Neutral 0 0 0
Total 1 5 5
[2024-05-27] Great Buyer I would like to sell it again Have a blessed day - Positive Feedback
(Buyer purchased )
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Here's a list of some items for sale by fonetik right now...

CISCO CP SINGLFOOTSTAND 7914 7915 7916 800-28119-02 (114627384868)
20 x Sur-Seal ORBN445 #445 O-Ring, Buna Nitrile Rubber, 8" ID, 8-1/2" (112800279302)
Milwaukee 9-3/4 Demolition Steel Bushing Tools - ¾ Hex - 48-62-3085 (112334977095)
Martin 160A35 A Plate Reborable Sprocket (113163582484)
Martin 78A46 Accutorch Engineering Class Sprocket #100804940 (113163572646)