eBay Seller 1921ac Store

Browse and purchase items for sale by eBay seller 1921ac on whohou marketplace!

1921ac is a verified seller from US marketplace and has been active selling since 2001-04-12.
The seller has excellent standing with the US marketplace with 100.0% positive feedback in the last 12 months. (147 positive feedback, 0 negative feedback, and 0 neutral feedback) To date, 1921ac has received a total of 1,394 customer feedback from completed sales.
1921ac is fully licensed to buy and sell products on the authorized/approved marketplaces.
Buyer Feedback Past 30 Days Past 6 Months Past Year
Positive 8 57 156
Negative 0 0 0
Neutral 0 0 0
Total 8 57 156
[2024-06-03] Quick shipping A - Positive Feedback
(Buyer purchased Matech Mounting Bracket Clamp Replacement)
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Here's a list of some items for sale by 1921ac right now...

Matech Mounting Bracket Clamp Replacement (226122331714)
PVS-15 Binocular and PVS-18 Monocular Copper Intensifier Tube Retainer Ring (225818668505)
PVS 12, Raptor Adaptor and eye cup for night vision scope. (225986632096)
PVS-4, TVS-5, Reticle (226017366440)
PVS 7 Mount Catch, Spring, And Roll Pin (226111988356)
PVS 12, 4X Raptor night vision scope Gen 3 NVEC M644 (226123984471)
Image Intensifier lock rings For AN/PVS-4 AN/TVS-5, pvs, PVS (225163648168)
PVS 4, TVS 5, Terminal Stud (225271612128)